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Quarterlife is often a time of exceptional solution-seeking on how to do better in life.


It is a time when one may be doubting choices, lacking a sense of direction or trying to change the path of life.

While a midlife crisis is brought on by questioning one’s past decisions, a Quarterlife crisis, typically occurring in someone’s 20s to mid-30s, involves questioning one’s decisions today and how these will impact their future self. 


The following are the four stages of a Quarterlife crisis. Knowing if you are experiencing this challenge and what is next can help make the process feel more manageable. 

  1. Locked-in: A quarterlife crisis starts out by feeling unhappy and trapped in one’s study path or career. This goes beyond disliking your classes, teachers, boss or current employer to a deep sense that what you are doing is not what you are meant to do. This is the stage when people consider making drastic life changes.

  2. Separation: A sense of dissatisfaction which is so great that an individual makes a clean break. This can mean a mental or physical dissociation from one’s previous life structure.

  3. Exploration: At this stage, individuals start to experiment with a new possible self. This is a time of self-reflection and awareness as well as transition.

  4. Resolution: Individuals emerge from their Quarterlife crisis with a different life structure.


If you find yourself at stage 3 and ready to take action in designing your future,
Career Explore can support you. 




Starting at the "Exploration" stage of the Quarterlife journey, Career Explore's

Quarterlife Career Program provides an opportunity for you to focus on who you are today, what you value and your vision for yourself when it comes to higher education,
career and working life.


We also encourage reflection around when you are at your best, what strengths you are currently using, where there is potential to use them more and what makes sense to further develop. The program will help you identify your objectives so that you target studies, jobs and work contexts that speak to your unique needs.

All exercises work towards identifying specific objectives and then formulating a plan for getting closer to those objectives. Development of the action plan includes discussion and exercises concerning resource awareness and utilization as well as overcoming personal obstacles. 


In addition, we have added a Stress Management Program concentrating specifically on techniques for managing stress during the Quarterlife journey and within the workplace.

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“Everyone deserves an expert to help you to discover the most valuable parts inside you in a systematic way.

Career Explore brings you inside that fantastic world.”

K. Ding, Financial Management Professional

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